Friday, April 29, 2011

May Day message of the JVP

A social system where every four seconds a child somewhere in the world dies of hunger and 25000 people all over the world die of hunger every day cannot be a just one. The global capitalism has handed down to the masses poverty, hunger, disease, crime, war and death only. Fighting to change this vile social system is a responsibility that cannot be avoided and on this May Day working people including anti-imperialist, socialist and progressive masses should firmly resolve to struggle for such change.

(April 30, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian)The JVP while wishing victories for working people all over the world and all socialist and progressive anti-imperialist forces that struggle for their liberation also, on this 125th May Day commemoration, salutes all heroes and heroines who made various sacrifices including laying down their lives to win rights of working people. While extending its support to all peoples who struggle against imperialism and injustice and for the liberation of all downtrodden people, the JVP emphasizes, on this May Day, that it is prepared to link with such forces.

The capitalist world that we live in has handed down only injustice, frustration, unemployment, disease and death to the majority of the masses. The gap between the haves and have-nots is widening everyday while benefits of resources and products are centered among a few. The end result of this is the number of the poor increases. Vast majority of the masses in the world suffer and are pressurized despite a production is being turned that could fulfill needs of all.

A social system where every four seconds a child somewhere in the world dies of hunger and 25000 people all over the world die of hunger every day cannot be a just one. The global capitalism has handed down to the masses poverty, hunger, disease, crime, war and death only. Fighting to change this vile social system is a responsibility that cannot be avoided and on this May Day working people including anti-imperialist, socialist and progressive masses should firmly resolve to struggle for such change.

The world economic crisis that began in 2008 has not ended and everyday working people and the poor are swallowed up by this state of affairs. The intention of the present social system is not the protection of people’s lives but to fatten the profits of capitalists. The working people get further pressurized by not only having to shoulder the burden of the crisis, but they also have to bear the brunt of the crisis that forces them to lose their employment.

Within the global economic crisis a political crisis too is spreading throughout the world. This began in Greece and France and now has spread to several other countries toppling governments in Tunisia and Egypt. The working people and the youth actively contribute to this phenomenon. As these political crises and people’s agitations predicate an alternative, we look at it with optimism. Rallying of the masses all over the world for a genuine change is indeed an enjoyment for working people all over the world.

However, the issue is the absence of a strong and correct organization, a proper guidance that could direct those people’s struggles towards a direction that brings victories to working people, their rights and the liberation of the working and downtrodden people. The result of this void is the opportunity the imperialists have been given to plunder the advantage of people’s uprisings. Such a situation is not at all favourable to working people. This situation forces the need for the working people to organize themselves to a strong single force.

In Sri Lanka too the two capitalist groups that ruled the country during the past 63 years have proved to the maximum their impotency. The negative experiences that have been handed over in the economic, political, social and cultural sectors, especially after the open economy that commenced after 1978, indicate this impotency. The unemployment and poverty escalate daily while the masses are burdened with unlimited taxes, all kinds of fines and boundless indebtedness.

Present Rajapakse regime, like other regimes that have ruled this country, is constricting democracy and moving towards a dictatorship. The government, not only deprives democracy to slash rights of the working people, but also kneels before imperialists and takes and implement decisions that push working people from the pan to the hearth. The government has also deceived the working people with false promises and is denying the salary increases they are entitled to.

The government that manipulates the economy of the country to fulfill the desire of imperialists is selling valuable lands and resources to foreign companies. The farmers are chased out from their cultivated lands and the land is being sold to multi-national companies on the pretext of tourist industry and the so-called development. As such, masses have become refugees in their own land.

Furthermore, the present regime has not been able to give democracy and equal opportunities to the people in the North and the East or fulfill their basic needs despite the war has been over for two years. Thus they have benightedly opened doors for imperialist interventions. Political victimization is being aggravated and the confidence in law and order and the judiciary is being deteriorated daily.

In such circumstances it is evident that the rights of the oppressed including the working people could be assured only by an alternative social system that assures equal opportunities for all. The working people have no other alternative but to defeat imperialism and social injustice and struggle for a socialist society where justice, fair-play and independence triumph. Hence, we, on this International Workers’ Day, call upon all working people, including anti-imperialist, socialist, progressive and genuine patriotic forces, to rally with close fraternal ties and take the leadership to struggle for a better social system.

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